I have been working on a life counter app for the last week or two as a learning exercise and have learned a great deal so far. However I have been learning things in a somewhat random order and parts of the project have been put together with the digital equivalent of duct tape and a prayer. So I have decided to start another “project” of following some tutorials I have found and learning from them. I will be continuing work on the Life Counter but it will not be my main focus. My main focus will be learning android development from the ground up.
One of the reasons I have come to this decision is that I was working on making the dice roller part of the app in to its own activity and I succeeded at this and adding a “up” navigation functionality but discovered that upon returning to the main part of the app the any changes to the life counts was lost and they reset to twenty. If I was working in Unity I could fix this very simply by storing the data in a script I would make in an instantiate scene and then reference in other scenes. But I am unsure of how to fix it in android studio. As such I am going to learn all I can.