Neo/Ipsum is almost ready

I almost have Neo/Ipsum ready for distribution. The coding is about 95% done with a few more things to do for security, but all of the functionality is in. I also have a Demo version almost ready, I need a little time to review the changes between the versions but it should be ready at the same time as the full version if not sooner. After the coding things I have left to do I have a few things to figure out as far as selling the product but I have some good leads and better contacts for figuring it out.

Since it occurs to me I haven’t shown off what it looks like here are some screen shots of the program’s interface.


Almost Ready to Unveil Neo/Ipsum

As the title says Neo/Ipsum is almost ready for release, just have a few more visual iterations, bug checks, and the like and it should be ready. In the mean time I have a page on my site describing Neo/Ipsum (and Lorem Ipsums in general). The page will be under the Projects tab along with my Games, Artwork, and Writings or you can find it here.

New Banner Picture


I have a new banner picture! So Why does it have two pictures of me? Those that know me know that I often grow out a beard (usually because I forget to shave) and keep it grown out like that for long periods of time. But I also shave the beard off at the drop of a hat. So when people see me it is a bit of a coin toss whether or not I will have a beard, hence the double portrait.

Work on the site continues! Nothing of note posted yet but work is going on behind the scenes and should be ready soon.

More Updates

More updates to the Game Projects page with better descriptions for most of the games.

Also I took a bunch of pictures to be used for the website. Both with and without my beard.  Look forward to seeing those.

Continuing Website Work

Still working on updating my website here is some of the stuff I have done in the last few days.

Moved everything over from the old site to the same site as my blog. Still have lots of update work to  do but this first step already makes it look better.

Getting close to a revamped resume and will shortly update the online version.

Reworked the Art gallery in to slide shows. WordPress made this very easy.

Moving over my animation work wasn’t as simple as everything else because of some of the formatting decisions I made previously. But this meant I got to learn how easy it is to add YouTube videos to a WordPress page.

Made an about me page for me to ramble about myself on. Adding to it as I think of relevant things to say. Currently on it: basic overview of me, Design vs. Development, and why it took my 6 years to finish college.

Started working on the Game Projects page. Moved over all the files to word press so visitors can download the games. Starting to update the descriptions.

New Year, New Site

Its a new year and its time to overhaul my web site. Here are the things I know I need to do:

Overall design: Need a new visual scheme; new background, new font, text colors, Those kinds of things

Front page: I need two main things here, First is an about me statement and second is a picture of me. The site is supposed to be about me and has no picture of me? How did I miss that?

Reworking my resume.

getting screenshots for all of my videos and better descriptions about the design process for each game.

Changing the layouts of the animation and art pages.

New layout of my writings with small exerts from each.

Overhaul of my linkedin profile.

And finally I need to do more tweeting about my work (and in general really).